The Best Practices for Preventing Ransomware


Security is the best practice for any business outfit. There is no magic eye that will catch up and protect your business data against ransomware in every scenario. For starters, organizations have gigantic amount of organized and unorganized data, which exists on several devices in the network- from production servers, web-applications, cloud services, backup premise and employees’ personal devices. It’s very important to protect your precious business data by developing your world-class strategy and risk management. How to cover and overhaul the biggest gaps in current security system must be the primary objective of the business growth.

Ransomware is an emerging as a top cybersecurity threat for everyone. This can be either for individual or organization respectively. However, these following ransomware best practices will help to reduce the menace and zero the damage that a successful outbreak can do.

1- The best backup system in the network to keep the data available in any failure or ransom issues.

2- Keep an active anti-virus which are regularly updated.

3- Early detection system tool, which requires 24/7 monitoring like NOCAGILE, a live client actively running, updating in real time and ready to alert us as soon as suspicious or malicious activity is detected in the network.

4- Need to train your employees periodically to increase their IT security awareness and not click on phishing emails, spam emails and other social engineering attacks.

5- Need to patch updates regularly. Update all software’s including operating systems, servers, network devices, applications, mobile phones and other software’s in the network.

6- Avoid giving regular users administrative rights on their workstations.

7- Regularly test the recovery function of backup/restore processand test the data integrity of backups.

8- Block known ransomware extensions via File Server Resource Manager or GPOs. If ransom malware cannot create files with those extensions on existing file servers, it cannot encrypt your files. This requires a proper setup and configuration outline to enable correctively.

9- Strictly avoid any pirated software from unauthorized websites and all products should be licensed and activated.

10- Enable secure passwords including two-factor authentication and account lockout policies in your on-premises and virtual environments to reduce a chance of ransomware infection.

11- Implement effective security system and risk management strategy in the network to fill-up the gap of any security hole.

12- Get your network monitored by 24x7 support by top-class outsourced NOC Services like NOCAGILE to make it protected with tightened security system.

13- Maintain a complete and current record of all your servers, access points, cybersecurity devices,workstations and other business equipment, including their network addresses, so we can quickly find the source of an attack and detach it from ransom.

14- Block known-malicious IP addresses in the network and use standard security baseline configurations for all Firewalls.

15- Never enable RDP access. In order to provide such services, there should be two-factor authentication enabled for RDP, VPN and other proxies to be provided. Also, never enable to download anything from unknown sources. 

Take below Actions in Case Ransomware Incident happens-

1- Disconnect system from the network immediately and turn off any wireless functionality.

2- Determine the scope of infection, where these can be storage devices, external HDD or shared drives and folders.

3- Restore the data from a good backup. Also, can be checked for de-Cryptor tool. 


NOCAGILE is one the solid foundation of IT expertise, an emerging as a potentially strong and modern technology-based NOC SERVICES provider, dealing with global clients with 24x7 support, always be a prime demand of most of the needy customers along with Managed Services Providers (MSPs). In order to streamline your business with high-class security-tightened NOC SERVICES with NOCAGILE, please do contact us today at or +1 214 306 6070 and release your IT burden instantly for better business revolution. No matter how big your business size is, we make your task simplified.


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